Farm Management

Management of Farm Using e-Crop

Harnessing the power of our web interface and mobile app, daily crop simulations are conducted using the assigned Simulation ID.

This dynamic process ensures real-time insights into crop growth and development.

Advisories generated from these simulations are then promptly dispatched to farmers' mobile devices, providing invaluable insights into crucial aspects such as planting date, predicted yield, crop variety, cultivated area, and required nutrient inputs.

With this comprehensive advisory at their fingertips, farmers are empowered to make informed decisions, optimizing their farming practices for optimal results.


Steps For Farm Management


Farmer Onboarding

Device Owner adds new farmers for the e-Crop device coming under his purview. Then set up a new simulation for these farmers for their scenarios of crops, soils, varieties, devices etc which were already added by the Admin,.

Creation of SimulationID When a new simulation is setup for the crop, variety, location, date of planting, e-Crop device, cultivated area and farmer, a unique SimulationID is created, which can be used later for executing the simulation in a single step. For each simulation, unique simulationID is created . The parameters required for generating this ID are:

  • Crop
  • Date of planting
  • Soil Type
  • Crop Area
  • Duration
  • e-Crop ID
  • Variety
  • Field ID
  • Farmer ID
  • Initial values of N,P,K and water in the soil.
  • Location(Latitude, Longitude, Altitude)


SimulationID Generation


Soil Nutrient Input

Input management In this section the user can add the information regarding the water, N,P and K which were available in soil at the time of planting as well as that added during planting and at later stages.

Results of Simulation Each day the crop growth is simulated using the web interface/mobile app using this simulationID. The advisory generated from the simulation is sent to the mobile of the farmer as well as to other mobile numbers included while creating the simulationID. The advisory contains the information on:

  • Date of planting
  • Normal yield predicted
  • Variety of crop
  • Cultivated area
  • Potential yield achievable as on date
  • Water, Nitrogen, Phosphorous and Potassium required


Daily Crop Simulation

Result Overview

Results of execution of simulation reach the farmer’s mobile through SMS. This figure shows the view of SMS (Crop advisory generated by e-Crop) on 10th June 2022.

  • Date of planting, cultivated area, variety, location of field (latitude & longitude), potential yield achieved as on date in Tones.
  • Advisory part includes water and fertilizer requirements.
  • Specifies water requirement (Liters) for the day, next one week, and remaining crop duration in one dose.
  • Fertilizer advisory includes the required amount (kg) of Nitrogen, Phosphorous, and Potassium for the day, next one week, and remaining total crop duration in one dose.
  • Device can be used for giving real-time agro advisory of any crop to reduce yield gap and achieve targeted yield.
  • Helps in the application of fertilizers as per demand and in smaller and frequent doses, reducing losses and increasing yield.

The Electronic Crop (e-Crop) device, developed and patented by ICAR-CTCRI, is designed for smart farming. Manufactured by Tech Visit IT Pvt Ltd, it leverages technology to enhance agricultural practices.

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